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(#53 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
Great, just my luck.
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Location: London
10-19-2008, 06:36 PM

Just to clear many a thing up.

1: This will not be an orgy, and nor will I expect it to be. IF people want to have fun, they can take a different room by themselves. It's only going to be an innocent meet up. Nothing sexual in anyway.

2: When I said hotel, I meant only very vaguely. There is no set details at the moment. Heck, it could be a small place in a bar, or if people are not old enough, another place we can rent for just us. It's not set on anything.

3: We could make this for the Europeans only, if most people from the US could not make it.

4: The chances of it being in Japan is VERY slim. Seeing as the majority of the population on here are European or American. Then again, if you all have the money, you are more than welcome to organize a meet up in Japan.

That's all for now.

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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