So I'm taking a photography course at Uni this semester. I've always loved photography, in fact I was about to go for Journalism, but never had much experience with cameras, so I wasn't too sure how I'd do. We haven't done any professional stuff yet, just letting our imagination go creative and see what comes out of it.
This here is a project I have to hand in on Wednesday. The title:
Green & Red.
I think it was a Nikon D300 I took these with, not sure since the camera isn't mine (got it borrowed from Uni).
The reason why they're rather simple: they had to be taken at a market and there could be no people in them.
I have written a whole paper on them I would glady attach but it's in Catalan and can't be bothered to translate into English, not that you'd be too interested in reading it either lol
PS- The unfocused bits are so for a reason, just in case anyone thought I couldn't get the focus right
... think I'll get a pass?