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(#36 (permalink))
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angelbott (Offline)
Posts: 147
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: USA of AL I not proud of being American
10-20-2008, 02:44 AM

I don't like what some anime/manga hater fans of any animes, fillers ep., and many things and etc like "OMG!! I hate her/him/it alot and I want __________ dead right now!!!" it's annoying now...please shut up and keep their minds... =.=;; I not like abuse animes 'cause stupid kids or adults hurt, throw, and kill pets like as dogs, cats, birds, and others they think it's funny hurt them >.< Abuse is never OK/NOT FUNNY....They are very stupid =.=+

My first language is sign language 'cause I am born deaf and second is English it's hard understand for me sometimes my memory not good for I try writes right story/grammer of english okay? And read them too. So Deal with it.
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