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Kuroneko (Offline)
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Location: Miharu, Japan
03-07-2007, 04:48 AM

Originally Posted by samokan View Post
oh yes they really reallly really value their personal space / privacy. It was even discussed how far are we going to protect the personal space of each person. There was a case in the news last year, an old man living alone, was found dead cause he slip in his room and he was unconscious , no one bother to check on him when he did not go out because they thought he needed some privacy.. after a couple of days, the kanrinin finally decided to check on him and found him dead.
Oh my God, That so sad ... the same thing happend in the town I was in...

There was this old man that lived next to one of the English Teachers, and he attempted to commit suicide by lighting himself on fire, well half way threw this he decided he wanted to live, and put himself out. But was in so much pain that all he could do was cry out for help…well the English teacher didn’t really know much Japanese and could hear this man, from the next building but couldn’t understand what he was, (there where other Japanese People there but did nothing ) an hour latter she couldn’t take it any more and Called ( called the local Japanese helper translator first) then the police. He latter died in the hospital but Just to think that no one did any thing because of personal space kind of sucks

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