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Posts: 363
Join Date: Jul 2008
10-21-2008, 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by yuujirou
no.. actually i don't think you're too far off the mark >.>''
the real people who are 'unique' get like almost no exposure at all.
bands like candy spooky theater
and the upcoming kanon wakeshima
and what's worse, i believe, are those bands that were once something have now become just like all the others
i believe rentrer en soi is a good example >.>'
oh god T_T
Candy Spooky Theater and that Wakeshima girl are so... boring T_T Kanon is Mana's little toy and Candy Spooky is just like BLOOD. i'm sorry. its bands and artists like this that make VK slowly die.
i HATE BLOOD. that thing cannot call itself music.
rentrer en soi... dunno much about them.
a good band who gets NO exposure is Storm Rider.
those guys are actually good.
and @MMM - thats what i mean. too many poser bands