square-enix games on the 360 -
10-21-2008, 04:45 AM
before i start this, i just wanna apologize. cause i bet there will be fan boys/girls screaming and shouting at eachother over this. please keep this thread clean. and again, sorry for all the drama this thread might cause >_<
also, i'm going to abreviate "square-enix" with SE. it's a ffxi habbit. we always use "SE"
ok! so in case you havn't noticed, but i bet you did, SE has been going on with a cluster fuck of games mainly for the xbox 360. the first sign of this happened with the release of ffxi for the 360. after that, we've seen the exclusive loss of ffxiii to the 360 (yes, i know japan's version will be ps3 only. and i know ffxiii versus is ps3 only in all areas. but for the sake of this discusion, i'm mentioning the 360's version of ffxiii). then comes the exclusives like infinite undiscovery, star ocean, and then also comes the fact that the last remnant will be released on the 360 before it's released on the ps3. (random note: the last remnant will be released on windows before the ps3. again, microsoft)
so in the end, you see all these great games going to the 360. both me and uriko refuse to buy 360s even though there are these great games.
so now the great question: thought or opinions on this 360 game wave and why not the ps3?