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(#57 (permalink))
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TheCrimson (Offline)
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10-21-2008, 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by DSX View Post
That's the problem. Thanks to my parents, I have no life outside school. They won't let me see my friends, and will basically only let me go anywhere as long as I go with my sister and her boyfriend, or if I actually get a girlfriend.

This is exactly why I try so damn hard. It's why I get so emotional when I fail. Without anyone to give me a life, I just spend my days here at home, confined to sitting on my ass and all that. It sickens me.

you know what's funny?

i was exactly like that. then i ran away from home xD

now i still talk to my parents, heck i love them. they just give me lots more space now =) its great.

anyway. off to work. bye bye =)

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