Well in my opinion it was always some kind of scene because it's labelled as such. It's just not one that's very popular. I don't care whether things are popular or not, but some people like to jump on the 'I like this because it's underground' bandwagon and think they are different for liking things that not many people have heard of. I dislike a lot of VK/Jrock styled bands, because to be honest theres a load of crap ones who think cool hair will make them a great band, when it won't. There is bands I don't like in every genre, you can't expect someone to like every band in a specific genre.
If you are suggesting that bands are 'selling out,' then I don't really think VK bands are the type to do so. I'm pissed that Dir en grey are releasing all this exclusive shit for America when they don't do anything here and very very rarely ever come here, and when they do it's only at one or two venues. I don't know how Japanese fans feel about the US exclusivity but whatever.
In any case, there are a ton of crap poser bands in every genre going, VK is no different. All you gotta do is ignore the shit and listen to the good stuff