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(#12 (permalink))
UrikosRandomStalker (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 102
Join Date: Oct 2008
10-21-2008, 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by Crani View Post
Probably the owners didn't realize that the console was broken and didn't bother to change it, but as you may or may not know the Xbox 360 as been marking it's territory in Japan, if you look at last week and the week before that number you'll see that the PS3 is dropping in the selling board, and this is because of the recent wave of exclusives the Xbox 360 as been getting, and why do they pass this exclusives to the Xbox 360? Because the games to the PS3 are a bitch to develop, this is because of the Blu-ray, which are also very expensive, and the Xbox uses the same old developing system the PS2 (Not the same, but close to that) did and the DVD technology as been around for along time and it's cheaper then the Blu-rays, which will also in a bigger profit. Unless Sony pulls a big rabbit out of there ass, this generation belongs to the Xbox 360.
yeah i've heard of the 360 selling out in japan. i'm asuming that it's cause of all these SE games coming out. but i could be wrong :/
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