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Posts: 363
Join Date: Jul 2008
10-21-2008, 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Touya
So sad isn't it? I can name like ten VK bands that I guarantee nobody even thinks about... there is so much under the surface because frankly the fan girlies are more interested in the "gateway drug" bands. Get off the weed start hitting up some coke dammit.
There are still good VK bands out there, but you have to look for them. They're just not going to just in your lap and say, "hey like my music!"
For my opinion I can't stand Gazette, Alice Nine and all those 'tard bands. They're fan girlie bands, I think competing for the most screaming fan girls. You want good VK listen to stuff like Anti Feminism, Deathgaze, or Kuroyume. Get off that common dung. Merry, MUCC, Nightmare, Diru or SID are like borderline fan girl based. They're not really much to ga-ga about either.
i agree with you sis xDDD
nice work.
and wow. i cant believe i've actually managed an actual thread with decent discussion going xD
-pats self in back-
i agree with Touya, even tho GazE is my fave, as i said, they're still bass heavy and good for my ears =)
emilyluvsjmusic made a good point earlier tho. it IS after all "visual" kei.
Dir en Grey's been mentioned a few times. i'd just like to say how much they SUCK since they became "big"
its like the yakuza record companies are making the artists sound like turd and look prettier for the tard fangirls.
and Nan, yeah, VK's lost its light a little...
and i do like Claire's pointe =D
great people! i like to see what you all think about this VK business 
and NOOOOOOOO Nickel, Malice Mizer were never that amazing xD Mana = untalented tranny