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Colin (Offline)
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Posts: 49
Join Date: Jun 2008
Exchange student going to Japan this March... - 10-22-2008, 01:55 AM

Hello. I am an American boy who is 15 years old. I'm going to be an exchange student for a year in Japan this March. I'm having trouble, though, deciding on a place i want to go in Japan. I want to go to an area where it is more small towns, preferably more to the south. I'm looking for a place where there are those traditional Japanese hills and forests and small rivers, you know. the ones that look all mysterious and amazing in those pictures. Does anyone have any recommendations of a place that would be like that to the south in Japan? If not I'm really just looking for a small, more traditional Japanese town. I like modern Japan most, but i think i would most appreciate and learn from a more traditional village/town. I do like things such as small temples and onsens

Thank you, and I'm open to any suggestions at all
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