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Join Date: Jul 2008
10-22-2008, 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by MMM
Prehistoric man didn't know WHY he wanted to procreate, he just knew he wanted to so bad he was willing to kill men in other tribes to take their women.
You don't think value was placed on things like shelter, food, fire, water, etc?
of course. but there was no money involved.
if we had no money now and used the resources as best as we can and make it so everything's equal, it means we wont have to kill either like they did caveman times. and there would be no war for oil, no poverty, no gap between rich and poor. of course the rich wouldnt be happy. they'd be pissed cos they'd be equal with the rest of us. but the rest of us wont have to go hungry and feel like we're less than the rich.
idk. to me that makes sense.
and thank you yuujirou =) that's exactly what i mean