Träumst du?
Posts: 363
Join Date: Jul 2008
10-22-2008, 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by MMM
You are personifying money as the source of evil. Money isn't evil. It is a tool for trade, and that's how it has always been. Instead of me giving you something you don't want for something I want, I can give you money: therefore you can buy something you want with money I give you for, say your fish.
Put it this way.
I have a car, but no fuel.
You have fuel, but no car. Instead you have a horse.
I have no horsefeed, so you have no reason to give me fuel to power my car.
So you are stuck with fuel and no horsefeed and I am stuck with a car and no fuel.
With money I can pay you for your fuel, you can then turn around and buy the horsefeed so you can ride to work and I can drive to work.
Why would you think eliminating money would make the rich poorer and the poor richer?
All it would mean is that precious commodities (like fuel and food) would turn into money.
Eliminating money wouldn't make everyone equal because you assume that money is what makes people unequal, but it is only one thing.
So either you are calling for a communist society, where the government distributes food and services equally among all people, or else you are calling for anarchy, where it is every man for himself, left to fend on his own.
Neither seems very attractive to me.
i think Karl Marx had some of the right ideas. i think some ideas of communism are better than some of those in capitalism. but dont you think we're too far into the capitalist side of things now? instead of in the middle?
the only thing that made communism bad are some of the leaders being too power hungry i think