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(#48 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
Posts: 167
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: London baby yea!
10-22-2008, 11:30 AM

hmm to quote samuel jackson...

"If money was a chicken...would the chicken be evil?"

Money IS required for a society to is governance....
you can live without these things...but anything involving groups of more than 30 people NEED some sort of commerce...

this allows the society to function MORE efficently and ALSO advance the technology

quick example...if you understand why just ignore this bit
in a small society everyone is a subsitance farmer...everyone needs a plough
without money everybody must take the time to make thier OWN plough
however...if 1 person were to dedicate all of thier working time to JUST making ploughs...then not only would the ploughs be made MORE efficiently...but also the craftmanship..and TECHNOLOGY of the plough is likely to improve....
however...on cannot EAT ploughs....thus there must be some way for this plough maker to eat...thus money

Money allows for specialization...thus is GOOD for technology

the PROBLEM with money as it exsits is that in the current system...once you reach a certain threshold of can use money to MAKE money..

ONCE you are using money to MAKE money....the money NO-LONGER become a reflection of time or work done.... the past the Government...controled the money...
however that is no longer the case....
now as a gov. ultimatly IS the people...if the gov own and control the money it could be used positively...

however...NOW....the money is controled by private companies....thus this money is used to increase profits and taxes...

it is no longer about JUST money...its also about POWER....
bricks and mortar.......

dont believe me....take a look at the $1 bill.....
take a look at the "founding fathers"

1 world government (hmm bit like UN)
1 world currency (is there ANY country in the world where you couldn't spend US dollars until a few years ago?)
1 world church

understand THE SYSTEM...and then let it EMPOWER YOU!

also...don't believe the Media....its only half-truths and out right lie's there

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