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(#52 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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10-22-2008, 05:33 PM

Alright, now that I have more time to put my whole thoughts into this, allow me to comment everything I can.

Firstly, Dir en grey. I loved their old work, literally loved it. 'Gauze' and 'Macabre' were simply amazing. Well thought out, and beautifully amazing songs. I noticed Dir en grey changing as they started to bring out 'Kisou'. The songs were slowly getting much more harder than usually. When 'Vulgar' came out, I saw that my correlation was correct. I still liked their music, however. But when 'Withering to Death' came out, I realised that I only liked a few of their songs, and I despised 'The Marrow of a Bone', the songs were transformed form their old beauty, into some ... noise. Now, I don't know about you all, but I dislike non stop screaming songs.

However, listening to Glass Skin, I loved it. And I have new hope for it. I am hoping 'Uroboros' is less scream, and more melody.

Now, thinking back on it, I can imagine two reasons why they stopped their old music and old look. Or, no. Three reasons.

First: It's only usual, they were going to America and the west, and wanted to adapt their music to mostly what people over there listen to. And what's that? Metal. So, they decided to make more screamy songs.

Second: It happens to all bands. Metallica and X-Japan did it. They got bored or their old look. Metallica cut their hair, for example. X-Japan cut theirs, and went for a more 'tame' look. Dir en grey might of simply gotten bored of their look.

Third: Here's a deeper reason. Visual kei used to be a way to describe, and visually illustrate the emotions in their songs. Dir en grey, itself means "Written in grey". They used their clothes to show the songs emotions and 'dark' feelings. When they realised, like many of us, that "Visual Kei" has become something cute, and about pink dresses, maybe they decided to experiment with another way to show their song's emotions.

Now, secondly, The GazettE. Regardless of the fact that they are regarded as a "fangirl" band, I think they still are doing a well job with their music. Ruki's singing has improved VERY well. It's provided the band many many ways to experiment with their songs. And they're doing a good job. I think The GazettE should be praised, and should infact, not be blamed for the change in VK. Heard of ScReW? That's a GazettE wanna-be for sure.

Thirdly, I have no idea how anyone could call Malice Mizer, X-Japan or any of those old bands as "crap" or "okay". As far as I'm concerned, they are the very pinnacle of Visual Kei. The very PILLARS and foundation of VK. Malice Mizer for their looks, and X-Japan for their music. They were the last of their kind, and there are VERY few bands that have been able to keep the feeling of the genre moving, or the old bands amazing music. Do not take this offensively, for I always speak my mind, but a person who finds the old bands crap, has no say on how "bad" VK has become. I mean, how can you compare the present and the past, when you proclaim both as bad?

I disagree that VK is all about the 'looks', thats the thinking of a very deluded person, in my opinion. If you listen to VK, and let's say, western rock, you can clearly tell the difference in the music.

The day I heard An-Cafe was the day where I started to lose hope for the future of JRock. I have ScReW and Sadie on my iPod for example, but I use them a simple substitutes or GazettE and Dir en grey. They sound the same. There are few bands these days which try any experimenting, or try to sound different.

Naitomea and Versailles are a prime example of this. They manage to sound different, yet keep the feeling alive. abingdon school boys, are very great with their songs, I enjoy them alot.

Girugamesh is pretty well put together, although, I sense alot of western influence in their music. D'espairsRay's music is intriguing to say the least, although I dislike their latest album. Alot. Phantasmagoria were pretty amazing aswell. I enjoyed their music alot, albeit, I have to be in a particular mood to listen to them.

It's a shame Rentrer en Soi split, Protoplasm was a simply amazing piece of music. I couldn't get it out of my head.

As always, Miyavi has been progressing REALLY well music, I can never get enough of that guy. I listened to a few songs of a band called MONORAL, and seriously, only god knows what the fuck those are up to.

I find myself leaning towards Indie JRock mostly these days, like Asian Kung Fu Generation, and the like. Here's a band I recommend though, I just happened to find them. They are called Serial Number, and they are pretty good actually.

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -

Last edited by Salvanas : 10-22-2008 at 06:31 PM.
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