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10-22-2008, 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by Melis View Post
Would you change for your boy/girlfriend?


I always wear highheels pumps etc. My ex once said to me; ''I dont want you to wear highheels, pumps. why do you wear such slutty shoes. You look like a ho..''

Well.. lets say he did not say the last part..
But I would never stop wearing those things.. just because he dont like it..

And yeah.. the relationship was over when he said that i look like a ho..just so you know:P

How about you? How would you react? Would you consider to change? Or not?

(and sorry for the bad english:P)
Heh...and here I thought I had a problem with heels.
My cat complains and I stick my tongue out at him....
tho he don't like it, because it makes him look shorter.

If you like them, wear them. Don't submit yourself to the demands of a man who calls you a ho. Now you can find someone who will treat you for who you are.... a human being....that and being a beautiful woman.

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