You made several good points there, Salvanas, but this one really struck a chord with me.
Originally Posted by Salvanas
It's only usual, they were going to America and the west, and wanted to adapt their music to mostly what people over there listen to. And what's that? Metal. So, they decided to make more screamy songs.
Its seems strange for me to say the detraction for VK for me is that shift towards American styles because I was a sound tech for local heavy metal band a few years back.
But among other reasons for leaving was their continual shift into the "screaming" instead of singing that you referred to. No amount of good lyrics (since you couldn't understand half of them) or great guitar licks could overcome that aspect for me. Yes, vocalized passion is a signature of Metal, but somewhere along the way its been exchanged for just shouting at the top of ones lungs (not vocal range). I think this may be why I moved away from VK so quickly as it became more westernized.