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(#31 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
Fashion, Games + Art Mod.
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Join Date: Mar 2008
10-22-2008, 06:34 PM

In my opinion there are two types of guy regarding this issue [generally speaking of course]

1. He loves his girl to dress up, he likes her to look good and he likes to take her out and show her off. He doesn't care that other guys look at her, because he knows how beautiful she is and he's lucky to have her. This can be seen as a good thing or bad thing depending on the person.

2. He likes his girl to be reserved. He doesn't like her to show herself off, he doesn't want people to fancy her or notice her because he doesn't want anyone to steal her away from him.

I guess both kinds have their good and bad points and they both show care for their girlfriend but yeah.

If you want to wear your heels then you go ahead and do so ~
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