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Join Date: Jul 2008
10-22-2008, 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Salvanas
Now, secondly, The GazettE. Regardless of the fact that they are regarded as a "fangirl" band, I think they still are doing a well job with their music. Ruki's singing has improved VERY well. It's provided the band many many ways to experiment with their songs. And they're doing a good job. I think The GazettE should be praised, and should infact, not be blamed for the change in VK. Heard of ScReW? That's a GazettE wanna-be for sure.
Thirdly, I have no idea how anyone could call Malice Mizer, X-Japan or any of those old bands as "crap" or "okay". As far as I'm concerned, they are the very pinnacle of Visual Kei. The very PILLARS and foundation of VK. Malice Mizer for their looks, and X-Japan for their music. They were the last of their kind, and there are VERY few bands that have been able to keep the feeling of the genre moving, or the old bands amazing music. Do not take this offensively, for I always speak my mind, but a person who finds the old bands crap, has no say on how "bad" VK has become. I mean, how can you compare the present and the past, when you proclaim both as bad?
I LOVE the GazettE. i honestly think they're a good bunch, and the music is probably the only thing from Japan at the moment that can make me go WOW, still.
and yeah, as much as i dont like to say it, they're a fangirl band. but i think the difference is, these guys can actually make music that's good to the ears. i do prefer them in their indies days though. much more odd and noisy =) noisy is good.
X Japan's not crap, i give them kudos for lasting as long as they have and they know their stuff. they're not just there to look pretty.
and Malice Mizer is definitely one of the first to put their fingers inside the whole looking like a tranny thing.
i dont know how some people view that as attractive tho...
but their music is just so hollow, there's no substance to it. Mana should never have been allowed to write music.
and their not the last of their kind.
check out Storm Rider. they have a similar sound to X, and they dont try to look pretty either. they're pretty fucking technical too, that guitarist sweeps like a nutbag.
and look at GPKISM. Ken is a carbon copy of Mana. Bad looks and bad music.
(sorry people who know about my problem, i couldnt find another example right now, i like just woke up)
and Claire, are you talking about PSC trying to make all their bands sound the same again? xDDDDDDDDDDDD