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(#79 (permalink))
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nossdesagel (Offline)
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10-24-2008, 12:44 AM


I would probably have said much of what they said, they weren't being rabid fangirls. I personnally can't stand it when people say stuff like what you said, it's pointlessly offensive.

Everyone is allowed to have their opinion and express it, but you don't have to shove it down everyone else's throats.

It's funny that you accuse them of going on and on when that's exactly what you were doing, you could have just ignored them. And you also say that you hate it when people don't back up their fangirlyism, but I couldn't find a single really good reason for your rabid hate.

I reallize that the first comment was your boyfriend's, but honestly? Was all of that necessary? And then you tried to pass it off as them being the irrepressible mindless drone fangirls? Ridiculous.

But as far as VK being diluted, yes well, such is the lot of any new genre. Every music genre starts out explosively and ends up with a lot of copy cats and losers who think that sounding like their favorite band will get them rich and famous. And it works because most people can't really tell the difference, so they buy CDs. You just have to find the really good ones. Miyavi, for example, is always finding new and different ways to express himself, he's never copying anyone else.

"It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness and of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature, and everlasting beauty of monotony. ~Benjamin Britten"

Owns: Yorke (Kavki Boiz), Itsuki and Iru (Bergerac), Reina and Ruka (Hime Ichigo)

We can't all be sane. ^_^
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