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JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
10-24-2008, 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
You don`t need a student visa to attend a language school, but you`ll need one if you plan to stay any longer than 3 months. Schooling does not require a visa. In fact, most short-term Japanese courses don`t even offer visas. So, yes, you CAN attend school with no problems. I have never heard of a visa being required for short-term classes. There are plenty of legit schools that offer courses tailored to fit within a tourist visa time frame - the biggest problem would be finding one that matches the dates you`ll be in Japan.

But for the part-time income, nope. It`s not going to happen. And if you do somehow manage to find somewhere shady that is willing to hire you under the table for a month or two of work (why they would is a mystery)... If you were to get caught, expect to be put on the black list and barred entry from Japan for most of the rest of your life.
Really? I guess that makes sense...I guess you wouldn't be taking classes for college credit, though...just for langauge acquisition.
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