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(#271 (permalink))
UrikosRandomStalker (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 102
Join Date: Oct 2008
10-24-2008, 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

I had 3 other people with me. One who had a higher lvl who guided us, and two new people.

What I'm talking about, is that you can't tell what exact level the mobs are. You don't know WHO gives you quests, because you have to randomly run round a city and talk to all the people, lest the little kid hiding in the corner might give you a quest. You don't know if a mob is linked with another mob, you have to learn them ALL off by heart. You don't know if a mob is passive or if it's hostile, you have to learn all by heart.

And to use moves, you have to either go onto your menu bar and use them like that, or make macros. I mean, why was it so hard to make the macro already and assign it to a button in the first place?

Like I said, I heard that the party and the class system was amazing. and I REALLY wanted to try it to the best. But I got bored of everything else.

It's nothing special. MY friend's excuse to this was "You're just used to easy to play games like WoW. You're not used to hard games like FFXI"

It's not hard, just ridiculously necessary to lay out a game where the player not only has to grind like in all other MMO's, but where he has to learn EVERY tiny detail.

Not to mention, I got to lvl 21, and still left it. So I did not leave it before fully trying to experience it.
ouch >_< there's a few things you've missed i guess.

we now have a ffxi wiki page. people update quests, monsters, everything there is to know about ffxi in that wiki. if we don't know what the monster aggroes to, we look it up on wiki. if we wanna know where to go for the quest, we look it up on wiki. if i wanna know what the recipie for a haubergeon is, wiki. i wanna know what cures amnesia, wiki. if i wanna know what level mobs are, wiki. if i wanna know if the mobs link, wiki. every single detail about the game is there. even story / plot developments.

EDIT: this is gonna make me sound like a jack ass >_< but there is the occasional player who i meet on ffxi who i think shouldn't be playing the game cause of all the noob mistakes he / she makes. yeah, you kinda are required to know a lot of detail in ffxi. but there is the occasional time where end game players rely on wiki and other ffxi websites for help. they're essentially how people accross servers can comunicate with eachother when new quests or mobs or anything comes out.

Last edited by UrikosRandomStalker : 10-24-2008 at 10:06 AM.
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