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(#39 (permalink))
UrikosRandomStalker (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 102
Join Date: Oct 2008
10-25-2008, 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by Yuna7780 View Post
As for I'm one of those pissed gamers about the 360 games by SE...

How would everybody feel if more SE games were go be released on the Wii?

I know there's the Chocobo Dungeon, but what if FFXIII would really be released for the Wii also? What if it were to be released not on the 360, but Wii instead?

I want to hear your reactions to this.
the issue with that isn't just with SE. the wii was made to be a party type system. and with the controls of the wii, and the size of game discs, it's hard to make games ported for the wii. the developers for wii games want to "take advantage of the new system controls". so in theory, and this goes a long with every other developer, actual games rather than party / kid games on the wii is almost imposible.

don't get me wrong, i said ALMOST imposible. there's games like zelda and smash brothers that will live on as "actual games".

as for my would really depend on the game itself. when i play a game, i want it to be as enjoyable as posible. if i played ff13 on the wii, that would seem akward. but then games like chocobo dungeon, i can see it would work really well on the wii.
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