Thread: Japan education
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JF Ossan
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10-27-2008, 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by ALINA View Post
Hello everyone! We with my classmates from university are having placement abroad for exchange, some of us (me and 2 another students) are wondering to go to Japan so we've got some questions HOW IS IT?

-How is the education system and how it's different from Europe education (teachers, students, projects etc)?

-How is the people, what are cultural differences and observations, what shoud you be aware of and what kind of countrodicitions can appear?

-How is the living in Japan for foreinger and how much is it different?

Asia so beautifull.........and so completely different

Welcome to the forums. You are asking for volumes of information, and a lot of what you want is in these very forums. Explore some of the threads and think of some specific questions, and you will surely find the answers you want.
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