Originally Posted by Hisuwashi
Don't you need an article in front of manzanas?
& I still don't know how to pronounce the damn words properly. 
Nope, an article is not needed in that sentence because you don't want to specify what apples Mary eats.
You could use it though:
María come las manzanas << this only makes sense if you have previously mentioned what type of apples she's eating. Eg:
Hay unas manzanas rojas encima de la mesa, María come las manzanas (There're some red apples on the table, Mary eats
the apples). But it would be better to say:
Hay unas manzanas rojas encima de la mesa, María las come << it's understood it's the apples she eats, there's no need to say the word 'apples' again since
las works as a pronoun (manzanas = feminine, plural; las = feminine, plural).
As for the pronunciation... that's hard to explain.
Come (eats) doesn't sound like "come" in English, it's pronounced like
come'eh xD
Manzanas =
man (pronounced the British way) +
zah +