Originally Posted by TheCrimson
its whether or not he'd wanna hug you back xDDDDDD
sorry. that was so irresistable xD
Yeah, I know. I figure, if I asked him, and he was ok with getting a hug, he'd be ok giving one too. and there is a video of him on the "Blue" DVD where he higs a fan.
It's ok.
Originally Posted by TheCrimson
Gackt isnt the most straight man out there.
i think him and Kami did have a thing.
I don't think that's true at all.
Originally Posted by GacktIsGod
^yeah the kiss wouldn't surprise me i mean he kissed Chacha on stage and a tone of other ppl. To Gackt kissing is like a sign of trust. like i trust you so i kiss you. (wonder if he trusts me. O.o) as for the KamiXGackt fling. i don't know i'm not saying no to it, it's like a 50 50 chance. just like the GacktXYou thing.
I recall reading that somewhere, I think....
What Gackt/You thing?
@ Chirok
Gackt isn't tall enough? o_O
@ GiG
what do you mean, what about You?