Originally Posted by ILOVEJAPAN
This is all good to hear i am glad alot of the things i have heard are just rumors. Thank you for the help.
A few more questions:
I hear they have diffrent laws about censorship and banning.
Dont they have to censor certaint things when it comes to porn?
and i keep hearing about edgy anime and manga being banned, is the government aloud to ban stuff?
I guess what im asking is, do they have all the same free speech laws as in the US?
Ummm not sure about the freedom of speech thing,
The Japanese don't have the same views on nudity as they do in the west. When it comes to porn I'm not really sure (don't read the stuff) , but i did noticed that the don't even bother censorship on some things. (For example you could walk up to some random street vender or convenience store and find a pornographic book with some girl displaying almost every thing)