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10-29-2008, 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by jasonbvr View Post
A difference of 95 Yen to the NZ Dollar versus 55 Yen to the NZ Dollar works in your favor if you are earning in Yen. Say the exchange was 100 to 1 and you make 150,000 Yen a month, that's 1,500 NZ. However if the exchange is 50 to 1 and you still make 150,000 Yen, that's 3,000 NZ per month. It is like getting a raise without the extra work.

The problem is that he is currently saving money in NZ Dollar, so he lost half of the money.

Many people on a WHV come to Tokyo, search a job and than have to stay in this job for a year because they didnt bring enough money to allow a month without a job and they live in Tokyo wich is not cheap.
If you have a little bit money on hand, you can go now. Because you are a english native speaker you should not have that much trouble finding a job. Im German and found a Job in a Resort where they hire Foreigners to speak english to their guest and to make the "British Hills" more authentic.
On the other hand you could also wait and finish your studies and hope the Dollar/yen exchange get better for you (at the moment the yen is quite high!) and go than.

I´d say: if you really want to do that and dont mind taking a maybe shitty job wich doesnt pay so much (wich is not so hard to find) to support yourself till you found something better, than i´d go. If you want to have an easy time, finish your studies and save up more money and than head out to Japan (it will not be easy either, but easier than now).
But a year in Japan now would probably improve your spoken Japanese alot.

Well, i dont know, its your choice after all (lucky me , but i´d say there is always a way! Japan is expsensive, but if you look out a little bit than you can live for around 7500yen a day (including everything) even while travelling. If you find a reasonable place in a city you might be able to drop that figure.

Back home after 1 year work and travel in Japan and 3 month in Korea: (text is in German, but see the pictures!)
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