10-30-2008, 12:26 PM
The only kind of tea I really can't stand is Rooibos...
Lately I like to drink a lot of green tea ~ fav would be Japanes Sencha tea.
If I have to get up early in the morning or stay awake until late in the morning I prefer a good black tea, in the morning also with some milk (but doen't taste good with any black tea)
Some tea with a quite interessting flavour I once tried was a kind of inca inspired tea flavoured with coca...
And I also love very much turkish apple tea (but not found a way to purchase it here....)
And in summer of course it's just nice to get some fresh herbs from the garden to make some tea out of it (like Nettle [with some lemon xD], Peppermint or Lemon balm...)