"De" vs. "ni" with verbs! -
10-30-2008, 01:11 PM
I was wondering about the usage of the articles "de" and "ni" with certain Japanese verbs. I know that the article "ni" is used with the verbs "iru" and "aru", but I thought those were all the verbs that used that article instead of "de" when it comes to the specification of location (ha! Rhyme.) But it seems from some sentences I came across while using Rosetta Stone that there are other verbs that also use "ni" instead of "de", such as "tatsu" and, I think, "suwaru".
An example of such a sentence is:
"O-kaa-san wa daidokoro ni suwatte imasu."
I just thought (it seems obvious when writing it down like this) that maybe this is because the "-te imasu" form is being used and there's still imasu in there? I checked and just noticed there was no "de" used in sentences with "ryouri shite imasu" and such (nor was there "ni", but still).