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(#60 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
Posts: 167
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: London baby yea!
10-30-2008, 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by DSX View Post
. So you got the respect of your peers...Is that what you wanted, or one of the things you wanted?
yea no offence was intended...there was a missing comma.

no I did not do what i dd to gain the respect of my peers...though it was a side effect.

simply put...

i was.... a Predatory Male.....

you see the way a cat looks at a moving mouse.....

its something you just instinct.......

you efforlessly become the Alpha in any given situation.....

you see a peice of flesh...and thats what you see it for...flesh....

you look it up and down.....then you think about..."tasting" it........

an then you go about making that happen....

safe in the knowledge that your claws are sharp....your feet are padded....your eyes are keen......

and th poor little mouse doesnt have a fucking clue what is about to happen.

its almost like a hunger....

because once you reach a point...there is no if....there is no maybe...

if you get....there is no effort...there is no try....

just....mouse pounces....

its natural...its instinct.....

i dont say its big...i dont say its shallow.....

but i will say its fun :P

but each to thier own i say...regarding the OP that is