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(#253 (permalink))
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emiluvsjmusic (Offline)
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10-31-2008, 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by Bureda View Post
Who the fuck are 'Tokio Hotel'?

There's too many rules already. A German band with the name 'Tokio Hotel' does not make it awesome. A German band with meaningful songs like Rammstein does though!

Anyway, this is a forum, not a political election. Everyone should be free to express their views as long as they don't draw the thread out of line.

Zombie Nation!
Um wtf? No one said Tokio Hotel was awesome because of its name
They're famous mainly for their music

And you're right, people are allowed to express their rules.
but they're not allowed to swear.

Death Note fam & Shingami clan
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