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(#257 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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10-31-2008, 10:47 AM

Originally Posted by emiluvsjmusic View Post
@MissMisa: I was refering to Bureda... but anyway my bad I guess it is permitted >_<

How can you say that though? I mean do you seriously believe people shouldn't get offended by swearing? That's the basically whole point of it.
I meant if people get offended by 'No offence, guys, but I think this band is rubbish,' then it's pretty sad. There are far worse things that could be said to someone than that.

I just feel that the whole music section is wishy washy and doesn't let you say anything because if you express your opinion a bunch of rabid fan girls will jump on you telling you your wrong and you don't know anything, and that your being insulting when your clearly not.
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