Thread: regarding love
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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11-01-2008, 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
I grant it's plausible to feel that way. Just pace yourself and feel things out about the relationship for a while longer to see if they change, and how much.
That's what I'm doing my best to do.

Originally Posted by Crani View Post
You may think you love that person, but with only 3 weeks of knowing them you hardly have seen what they're really like, so just give it some time, and see if you feel the same way about that person after a long period.
That's why I'm just taking each day as it comes, and not saying anything to him about my possible feelings.

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I do believe it`s possible. I pretty much fell in love with my current husband over a matter of days. It was honestly a very strong feeling of "This is the one!" that just had never been there in any other relationship...

We`ve been married for 8 years now.
see, that's the feeling I seem to have. but it's not been very long, and I am not yet certain. feelings/emotions always confuse me, basically.
It used to be I would get too attached to someone too early, and always worry about the relationship ending.
I think at that time I was looking for someone to replace my dad, in a way. and also looking for someone to always be there, instead of just being there for myself, and relying on myself for happiness etc.
It just feels different now.

Originally Posted by Jkun View Post
I fell in love with the girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with within a week or two. I just had this feeling that she was the one. We have been together over five years now, and I am still absolutely in love with her, more than words can describe. So yes I believe it is possible.
see, that's the thing. I think I have that feeling, but I'm still somewhat not good with the whole relationship thing, and feelings.

(see above reply)

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
Interesting.. I wish English had more words to describe love.

With regard to the OP... I hate it when my mind says one thing and the heart another.

My advice is to listen to both. You're right to be wary of your feelings because of the little time you've known each other but take your time and don't force things... but don't hold back either if that makes any sense...

Pffft... I'm rambling... Good luck
Yeah, that would be good.


I hate that too. My heart says I love you, but my brain says not to tell him. But my heart is very persistent. gah!! I'm still listening to my brain right now.

I'm unsure if it does make sense?

rambling is ok, I do that too.

Originally Posted by superheel View Post
Well, if you believe in "Love at first sight".
I'm not sure if I do. Also, I didn't think right off the bat that I love him. At first it was just an interest, which I never said anything about. But then after he became my roommate, one time we were just looking at each other, and bam. we just started kissing.

Originally Posted by Rose View Post
Maybe, i don't know, i've never been in love.
I haven't either. Though I've thought I was. when it was more not wanting to be alone.

But after my last two relationships, I've learned what I don't want, and won't accept, and am no longer afraid to be alone.

I don't know where it's coming from, but sometimes the thought that I want to marry him crosses my mind. It's kinda scary.

But this whatever it is or will be, with him, feels nice.

Thank you all for your replies. I really appreciate them.

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....
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