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(#399 (permalink))
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darkmerveillesangel (Offline)
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Join Date: Nov 2008
11-02-2008, 04:35 AM

I think go for the piercing! It doesn't hurt. Really.

I've had a grand total of 27 piercings but I only wear 18 in now - 9 in my right ear, 5 in my left, both my tragus my nose and madonna... The ones I no longer have include my eyebrow, other side of my nose and belly.

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
But a permanent stud in my cheek just makes me wonder how often the nearby teeth would need repair from hitting metal frequently. Other facial piercings are known to damage the enamel from repeated impact.
You can get plastic bars that can actually reduce this risk. Same with tongue piercings. Plastic balls/cubes/ornaments are usually recommended for this reason.
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