Well, personally I think piercings in the ear and lip are enough for both girls and guys. I don't see the point in going overboard with tattoos or piercings as you can look like your trying to hard with them. Not really a fan of anything other than ear or lip, I get creeped out kind of with people who have the hand piercing. The piercing in between one of their fingers or on the fleshy part of your hand. That must be a b***** to handle.
As for the fake piercing you have in the photo, I don't think a small hoop fits your lip. I have a metal barbell straight through my bottom lip, and sometimes it shows and others it doesn't, depending on what angle you look at me. It really shows when I smile or look up. Probably because I have more of a fuller lip shape and the piercing is kind of small.In both your photos your lips lean more towards the thinner side (which isn't a problem or anything

) but if you want it to look neutral, I suggest a smaller piercing or venom bites will suit you more. The hoop over rides your lip.
@ MissMisa - LOL! My boyfriend got a small hoop on the right of his lip, but he never tried squirting stuff out of them. I'll have to tell him