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YoruKage (Offline)
Cyber Cafe Employee
Posts: 62
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: In a box, under a bridge
11-03-2008, 03:12 AM

Aww... so you think your mom may not like you dating because he's vietnamese? That's rather sad... my mom and dad have this thing against Koreans, and when I made friends with one in my childhood, they didn't want him coming home with me... We moved a little after we met, but I do remember that all very vividly. And I like Koreans.

As for your mom, you need to explain to her that no one should ever be stereotyped like that. If he's good for you and truly loves you, ignore your parents and keep dating him. You may change their thoughts on him. They'll see that you were right in choosing him if he makes you happy.

I'd rather be an idiot having fun than a genius bored out of his mind.
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