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(#8 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
Posts: 167
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: London baby yea!
11-03-2008, 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
wouldn't it just confuse the dog, to have two names?
So long as yo use a different tone of voice that should be good enough.

it won't confuse the dog.

the advantage of having two names as aposed to using tone of voice,
is that 2 names gives you greater flexibility....
dogs are VERY sensetive to things like tone of voice...

if you tell it something in an agressive tone...its going to be in an agressive frame of mind....
but with 2 can still talk in the same calm voice.....

that can avoid escelating the situation...

also i NEVER talked to my dog in an agressive tone.

the best command to teach the dog is the "wait" command...

its VERY flexible
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