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(#10 (permalink))
theAlphaDuck (Offline)
Posts: 167
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: London baby yea!
11-03-2008, 04:08 PM

from what you say...he shows several signs of SEVERE insecurity.

your best bet is to
1. follow your mum's advice..stay out of the family buisness

2. Build up his self esteem...that way you will give him the strength to stick up for himself against his Family who are clearly taking advantage.

the little bit of "cod-cology" that bureda is touting is not REALLY aplicable here...
you are clearly infatuated with this boy...perhaps even in love...
in this situation we do for others we love as we would expect them to do for us.

its also quite clear that the "love Doctah" doesnt really understand your he has told him to get a job...yet if he is giving his mom money...then he clearly already has one.

to be honest the fact that he is sticking up for his family...shows him to be a good person...and means that IF you become his can expect the same level of dedication from him....


like i up his confidence....
but DO stop buying him food..(Something im sure he didn't ASK you to do)
if you feel the need to feed so at your place...or at a cafe...or something....

good luck....
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