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Join Date: Oct 2007
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11-03-2008, 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by SunkenShip
....I'm well aware.
Another reason I ask, aside from pesky folks, is because of doctors here in the US.
When my son was born, we were asked about 20 times if we wanted him circumcised, despite the fact that our birth plan stated "NO CIRCUMCISION." Every nurse and doctor kept asking, "He's not circumcised. You don't want him circumcised?"
And then pediatricians feel the need to advise me that my son is "more at risk".
I'd just like to avoid this circumcising mindset.
I'll tell you a myth, my mom told me....
If you don't circumcise he'll become gay.......*crickets*
as far as I know....my kids haven't yet. I've got two teen boys non-circumsized.
I only see it as a religious thing....that they be circumsized by 8 days old, so they could be looked upon by god in good faith....blah, blah, blah.
People here in the U.S. that have asked me about it get an answer,
"that's way more 411 than you really need, pervert."
I really do answer like that.
So, if you haven't and you don't want to....then don't.
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