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11-03-2008, 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by HardlyBrokenDragon View Post
the 1 thing i really hate is how most of the guys sound like girls! i mean comon!
This is one thing that doesn't bother me. At least in the Japanese version of most series, the boys actually sound the age that they're supposed to. In other words, it's realistic. This is my main gripe with dubs when it comes to boys speaking. They usually sound too old for their age or for their size. Yugi comes to mind for me. I've heard his dub voice, and he sounds way older than he should be. Of course this isn't always the case, even for originals, but as I mentioned, at least it's realistic that they use women who sound like pre-adolescent boys for like 12 year old male characters as opposed to having an adult male voicing them.

Beyblade is another series I didn't care much for voice wise. Our main five, Takao, Kon Rei, Max, Kai, and Kyouju sound realistic for the original because they're all 12 year old boys when it starts, yet, for the dub, Takao (Tyson), Kon Rei (Ray), and Kai all sound like adult males. Way too old given their ages.

Max and Kyoujuu (Kenny), however, both sound the ages that they're supposed to because both were voiced by kids and as the characters aged, so did the boys doing their voices, so they sounded more natural as the seasons went on.
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