Originally Posted by Hisuwashi
No, le is the feminine plural article.... and why has this thread become about football all of a sudden >.<"
and yeah, una mela (una, thus feminine) is an apple.
Edit: I realize in French le is the masculine singular article, which causes confusion 
Yeah, that's why I thought
le was masculine. If you have any more doubts or just random stuff you want to learn (Spanish-related), let me know, I'll be happy to help ^^
Originally Posted by Aniki
Ha, like I'll fall for that sweet stuff. I think, I'll let your imagination do the job, instead of telling the boring truth 
Puedo tratar de adivinarlo pero mi esfuerzo imaginativo será en vano a menos que al final me digas si he acertado en alguna de las respuestas. Lo haré por descarte, ni inglés, ni francés, ni español... ah! Swedish?!
Originally Posted by Aniki
where are them Spanish lessons!
There *points above* if you need a translation just whistle
Originally Posted by 0Kurisu0
Hey, did you know... ... adverbs in spanish doesn't change for gender or number!!!!
I did I did I did!! xD
Sabías que los plurales (adverb
s) en inglés no van con la forma verbal de la 3ra persona singular (do

hahahhaha no puedo evitar ser así de repelente =P