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Smile Thank you - 11-04-2008, 12:01 PM

How I know this is to do with him being asian is that she told me, "I don't mind you being with him but as long as you don't marry him or anything. I don't want asian grandchildren." And I do apologise if that has offended anyone, as I was deeply offended myself when I heard those words.
I love my mum because she is my mum. I don't like to be put in that situation but eventually I will be old enough to stand on my own two feet. Until then I can only hold on and if he really does love me the way I love him then his patience with me will not fade. BTW, from what I heard his mum wasn't exactly jumping for joy when she found out I was white either but that doesn't really worry me much.
You would think that this kind of thing would'nt be a problem in Australia but my mum's side of the family is, I guess you could say a little judgement. But if I'm the person to teach them something about life then so be it. In which case I will not only be holding on for my love for him but the sake of widening the perspective those close to me.
thank you all who took the time to assist me in thinking this over as you have great help and it is deeply appreciated.

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