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(#287 (permalink))
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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11-05-2008, 01:59 AM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Grow up Miyavifan, seriously. You closed the whole thread because someone said the band was rubbish, which is pathetic. Don't bother with this thread, no-one gives a damn. I'm allowed to say what I think, and if you can't take those kind of insults then I feel sorry for you in real life.

In any case, this isn't a discussion with you because when I said I don't like the band, you went oh! how insulting! So how can you expect anything from that? If you can't accept other peoples opinions, then good, don't come here.

I'm totally cool with anyone who likes Tokio Hotel, I totally repsect your opinion. Music is subjective, everyone has different tastes. So if I respect yours, then I expect you to respect mine.

I first heard Tokio Hotel some time ago, and it's just totally not my thing. I don't like this weird kind of spin they've put on sort of VK stuff. No, I don't know much about them, I don't read every interview going and I haven't heard every song. But the few I've heard have been bad, in my opinion. If anyone wants to discuss why they disagree and what they like about the song, then please go ahead. This is what the music section is actually for.
I only came here to see what lizzey had to say, and then there's this, which is unnecessary. All I said was claire could go ahead and open it back up.
And stated my opinion. and that because I didn't like what was being said, I wasn't bothering with the thread.

I can accept other people's opinions, but I still haven't changed mine on the term rubbish. I don't see why it's not enough for someone to just say they don't like them, say why if they want to, and leave it at that.

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