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Sangetsu (Offline)
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11-06-2008, 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by jasonbvr View Post
They simply don't exist because in order for a company to sponsor your visa they must show to immigration that you will make a livable wage each month. I believe the bottom end of that is 190k yen per month.
As I mentioned, almost all jobs which employ foreigners in Japan are part-time (at least, technically). There is a minimum salary requirement, and 190k yen is the bottom line for part-time work.

English teaching is part time, period. The pay varies from 200k to 300k, depending on your employer. If you work more than 29.5 hours per week, you'll be paid more (unless you work for one of those employers who like to rip their teachers off, so keep track of your hours, and keep hard copies of your time slips or teaching records).

Labor laws (like immigration laws) are among those which are strictly enforced in Japan.
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