I'm new here too. ^.^
I would like to look into this, but I'm a little bit confused. I understand that we will be blogging, and to my understanding we will all work on a blog entries together. I would love to join in this, but I do not think I will be that active because of my school work. (AP classes stink) I wish school did not take over, because this sounds like a great idea. Would it be alright for me to join, even if I might not be able to help out that much, but try too as much as I can?
And also, what I'm confused about is, will we edit the blog entries via email?
And we would just write about random things?
I probably would not be much help anyways; I haven't even mastered Hiragana but I'm getting close. I would need help with how to write correct basic grammer first. But I'm willing to learn if someone would help me with something so basic. I'm just so determind to do anything to help me with learning Japanese.
(And I can't seem to do the registration on Word Press right) >:|