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9 year old steals car in japan -
11-07-2008, 12:08 AM
A nine year old boy has been arrested in Japan for stealing his parents car to visit his grandmother. And how, pray, does a nine year old kid learn to drive?
"It's my first time driving" he said, "but I learned from watching dad and playing at the video arcade."
Police in Gifu prefecture received a call on Monday morning from an anxious pedestrian who had seen a car apparently with no driver - the little sod was sitting on th every edge of the seat, strainingto reach the pedals and peer over the steering wheel.
The real question of course is What game did he practice on? Knowing if there are junior GTA players on the loose could be a very different prospect to under-age Mario Kart re-enactors.
lol. wow
Japan: 9-Year-Old Plays Driving Game, Steals Parent's Car