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Sangetsu (Offline)
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11-07-2008, 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by sukebe69 View Post
Ive only ever dated two girls in the span of my middle school years and they all broke-up with me for the same reason, I play H-games(hentai games) and they feel I spend more time with virtual girls then them but thats far from the truth I just dont know how to express my feelings towards them...*sigh* I wish I knew more girls who enjoy and understand Hentai
Your problem is self-explanatory. You can't have a virtual girlfriend and a real girlfriend at the same time. You'll never learn how to express your feelings (or even to understand those feelings yourself) until open the door to reality, pass through it, and close it tightly behind you.

Virtual girls are made for those who more than likely will never have a relationship with a real girl. The socially dysfunctional who spend their free time watching internet porn, never understanding how much better the real things is.

As for me, I consider myself very lucky. I have a beautiful and intelligent girlfriend. We enjoy every moment together, and share many things in common.

There is somebody for everybody, but you have to get out and look. If you spend all your time reading comics and living in a virtual world, that's all you'll ever have.

Don't make excuses, as Lincoln said "Those who make good excuses are often good at nothing else".
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