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yuujirou (Offline)
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11-08-2008, 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by Englishstudent View Post
Yeah but the further back on the chopsticks the less strength or grip you have on your food... wow Carpaccio sounds hard to make but if you love it so much I will try it. Personally I kinda have a bland taste in food I love prawns, king prawns in batter lol

Could you recommend some less exotic Japanese cuisine to get me started on, a description of the meal would be nice to, I love fried rice and rice in general and all meats except raw fish
eh.. you don't really need strength..... >.>''
if you're worried about your grip w/ the chopsticks... then your obviously not holding it right.
*i can hold like a 8 oz. steak holding a pair of chopsticks at the very back...*

and carpaccio is italian x]
i just love raw beef <3

haha and as far as raw fish goes... that's only sushi/sashimi >.>''
every other cooking technique cooks it.....

hmm... and something easy that's japanese? x]

Tamago Kake Gohan
Egg over Rice =3

Just get a steaming hot bowl of rice
crack in an egg (quail or chicken)
add soy sauce, sesame oil
(these are optional) thinly sliced scallions, natto, a bit of mustard, and roasted sesame seeds.
Stir and serve =3

In the shadows beneath the trees he waits.
In the darkness under the moon he plots
In the silence of the night he kills.
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