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Samael (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Alexandria Virginia, USA
Armored Core anyone? - 03-09-2007, 04:53 AM

I know there's gotta be some Ravens in a joint like this. Whose stoked for AC4? I know it's been out in Japan for a while now, but for us Yanks it's still about a week off and I'm getting antsy. From what I've seen I love the new style, and the gameplay changes, though severe, are exactly the kind of thing I've always wanted them to do. This is how I always envisioned Armored Core. Flashy, balls out mech combat at a wicked fast pace.

My personal notes: I've been playing since AC2, and played religiously for years. I had to give it up on the recent instalments though, as the gameplay changes (booster heating, crappy stats on everything, anal rententivly strict energy mechanics ect.) basically fragged my playing style, which is light weight high speed bi-ped with dual machine guns. So for the moment I still roll with AC3: Silent Line because I feel it focused more on action packed gameplay then trying to ballance the stats on EVERYTHING and making it "real" at the expense of making it nigh unplayable for those of us who enjoy faster machines. Pardon me, I'm still sore over Last Raven. >_> Moving right along...

I can't wait to dive right into AC4, which finally has online fucking play after all these years. of course the second it hits X-box it's online because, no offense guys, PS online capability sucks (yes even PS3). Kept us waiting long enough eh? Enough with the sarcasm.

So, am I the only Raven in here or what? Speak up, and get ready to be smacked down on X-box live. My staple design is called Royal Flush for a reason, it beats everything. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G .

just yanking ya. :P
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